1. 导入及安装
pip install pandas
import pandas as pd
2. 创建DataFrame与读取文件
2.1 从字典创建DataFrame
data = {
'姓名': ['张三', '李四', '王五'],
'年龄': [28, 34, 29],
'城市': ['北京', '上海', '广州']
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
2.2 从CSV文件读取
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv')
print(df.head()) # 查看前几行数据
3. 数据清洗与预处理
3.1 缺失值处理
nans = df.isnull().sum() # 检查每一列缺失值数量
filled_df = df.fillna(0) # 用0填充缺失值
or dropped_df = df.dropna() # 删除含有缺失值的行
xample:filling missing values with mean:
df['年龄'].fillna(df['年龄'].mean(), inplace=True)
you can use inplace=True
to modify the DataFrame directly.
3.2 重命名列名
df.rename(columns={'姓名': 'Name'}, inplace=True)
makes your data easier to understand in English contexts.
'this is especially useful when sharing datasets internationally!
to ensure clarity and transparency.
in this case, we rename it from a Chinese name to an English one.
but remember context matters! you might want to stick with original naming if it's meant for local audiences only.
e.g.: if you're working on a project that involves local stakeholders or communities where language differences do not exist then keeping names in their native form would make sense too!
it’s always best practice to know who will be using your dataset before deciding how best represent its contents!also consider potential users’ backgrounds—some fields may have specific conventions around naming formats so keep those nuances top-of-mind when renaming columns too!! 😉
in summary:
an easy way of ensuring everyone involved understands what each column represents without getting lost among translations; just follow these simple guidelines above whenever possible!! 😅😂🤣🤓✨💖🌈🎉🙌🏼👏🏼👍🏼🙏🏼💯👌🏽✊🏾👐🏿🤝🏻✍🏻📒📝🔍📊🗂️